If you do not have that information, please contact our office at 937-225-4622 between 8:00 PM - 4:00 PM EST for assistance. Allow 2 business days for processing. This does not automatically schedule an inspection, you must call to schedule an inspection.
451 West Third Street
Dayton, Ohio 45422-1070
Phone: (937) 225-4622
Fax: (937) 225-6327
BusinessFirst! is a retention and expansion program that gives a business owner a single point of contact for a wide range of assistance that is available from local, county, regional, state and federal agencies. We use a customer-oriented approach so you have a single point of contact for a wide range of assistance that is available from local, county, regional, state, and federal agencies. Visit BusinessFirstDaytonRegion.com for program information and business resources, or contact us today to discuss your business’ needs! Read More
The Dayton Area Chamber of Commerce has the Dayton Regional Workforce Portal which provides information on current and future labor market data, provided by the Montgomery County Business Solutions Center. Review workforce data in 6 regional target areas: Healthcare & Bioscience, Advanced Manufacturing, Business Services, Information Technology, Logistics, and Aerospace! Visit the website for more information. Read More
Ohio Means Jobs, Montgomery County" width="391" height="391" />
OhioMeansJobs|Montgomery County provides free job search and consulting services for job seekers and employers. Employer services include recruitment/sourcing, pre-screening, advertising, job fairs, and more. Click Here to Learn More