Abilene Social Security Office in 79602

The Abilene Social Security Office is located in Abilene with zip code of 79602. You will find the details for this SSA branch with the hours of operation, phone numbers, address and driving directions.

If you have any questions regarding your benefits, replacing a lost social security card, obtaining your statement, any eligibility qualifications, estimating your future benefits, information covering social security disability benefits or other services, the Social Security Administration will be able to assist you.

Abilene Social Security Office Driving Directions

Office Is Located On The Access Road Of East South 11th St Near The Intersection Of Judge Ely Blvd In The General Vicinity Of The Shotwell Football Stadium, Taylor County Expo Center, Zoo And Loop 322.

Social Security Office Address

1202 E South 11th St
Abilene, TX 79602
Website: ssa.gov

Social Security Office Phone Numbers

TTY: 1-800-325-0778

Social Security Office Hours of Operation

Monday 9:00am - 4:00pm
Tuesday 9:00am - 4:00pm
Wednesday 9:00am - 12:00pm
Thursday 9:00am - 4:00pm
Friday 9:00am - 4:00pm
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed

Find Your Local Social Security Office Other Nearby Offices 300 Early Blvd Space 28 Heartland Mal
Early, TX 76802 2851 Southwest Blvd
San Angelo, TX 76904

Social Security Offices by State

Disclaimer: The Social Security Resource Center is a free public resource site and not associated with the SSA or any other government department or government agency. The Social Security Resource Center is a privately owned organization. Social Security Resource Center is not affiliated or endorsed by the Social Security Administration or any other government agency. The Site is not a prepaid legal services plan or an attorney referral service. Social Security Resource Center does not itself provide related benefits to Social Security Disability, workers compensation, or veterans benefits, products and/or services. All content and information provided on Social Security Resource Center is not a substitute for professional legal advice, diagnosis, medical advice, treatment or financial advice. By continuing to visit this website and submitting your information on Social Security Resource Center, the user understands, acknowledges, and confirms agreement with this disclaimer, the site terms and conditions, as well as the privacy policy.