INSPECTION CONTINGENCY. The obligations of the Buyer as set forth in this Agreement are contingent upon Buyer’s inspection of the Property. The Buyer shall have the right to conduct an inspection of the Property within days of the Effective Date. The choice and appointment of the inspector shall be the sole discretion of the Buyer who shall also solely bear the costs of the same. The time and date of the inspection shall be at the option of the Buyer but must be at a reasonable time and notice. In the event that upon completion of the inspection, the Buyer is not satisfied with the state of the Property, the Buyer shall notify the Seller of the unsatisfactory conditions and request the Seller to remedy the same. The Seller shall have days after receiving such notice to remedy the same. In the event that the Seller refuses to allow access to the Property to accommodate the inspection or fails to remedy the unsatisfactory conditions stated in the notice, the Buyer may, in the Buyer’s sole discretion, accept the Property as it is and proceed with the purchase under this Agreement, or terminate this Agreement and recover the Xxxxxxx Money, costs incurred in relation to this Agreement and .

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INSPECTION CONTINGENCY a) Inspections shall be completed and results reported to Seller on or before 5:00 P.M. on:

INSPECTION CONTINGENCY. Buyer's obligations under this Agreement will be contingent upon Buyer's satisfaction with the result of such inspections (including without limitation, structural, insect, radon) of the Premises as Buyer, at his, her, their or its sole cost, may cause to be conducted on or before the fourteenth (14th) calendar day following the acceptance of the Offer by the Seller. Buyer also will be entitled to re-inspect the Premises, at the Buyer's sole cost, within two (2) calendar days of the Closing for the limited purpose of confirming the condition of the Premises has not changed since the completion of the inspections referred to in the preceding sentence. Buyer and Buyer's inspectors and consultants will be entitled to have reasonable access to the Premises from time to time for the purposes of making such inspections, provided that Buyer will indemnify Seller from any and all liability, claims, damages, losses, costs or expenses, including attorney fees, suffered, paid or incurred by Seller to the extent arising out of or as a consequence of Buyer's exercise of rights under this Section 20. If Buyer is not satisfied with the condition of the Premises or any portion thereof and, on or before the seventeenth (17th) calendar day following the acceptance of the Offer by the Seller, Buyer notifies Seller in writing that Buyer is terminating this Agreement because of such dissatisfaction, then the Deposit will be refunded to Buyer and all other obligations of the parties hereunder will cease and this Agreement will be null and void. If the Buyer fails to terminate this Agreement by giving written notice of termination to Seller on or before the seventeenth (17th) calendar day following acceptance of the Offer by Seller, Buyer will be deemed to have waived his, her, their or its rights to terminate the Agreement pursuant to this Section 20. If §56-7-1 N.M.S.A. 1978 Comp. applies to the inspections carried out pursuant to, and the indemnification obligations arising under, this Section 20, the agreement to indemnify shall not apply to liability, claims, damages, losses, costs or expenses, including attorney fees, arising out of

INSPECTION CONTINGENCY. Buyer acting by representatives of Xxxxx’s choice shall complete the inspections, tests, assessments and title search of the Property as designated in Paragraph 9 prior to the “Inspection Completion Date” or the “Title Search Completion Date”, as the case may be. If, based upon such inspections, tests, assessments and title search, Xxxxx is not reasonably satisfied with the title or physical condition of the Property and so notifies the Seller or the Seller’s Attorney in writing, by certified mail, facsimile or hand delivery, not later than two business days after the “Inspection Completion Date,” or the “Title Search Completion Date,” as the case may be, this Contract shall be deemed terminated by such Notice and the Deposit shall be returned to the Buyer. Absent timely notice hereunder, terminating this Contract, this contin- gency shall be deemed satisfied and this Contract shall continue in full force and effect. Buyer Initials Seller Initials

INSPECTION CONTINGENCY. Buyer, at its sole expense, may obtain an inspection of all related improvements located on the Property and/or a Phase I environmental assessment of the Property. Buyer shall have the right to conduct sampling of the water, soil, air or building improvements with Seller's approval, which approval Seller shall not unreasonably withhold or delay. Buyer shall have sixty (60) days from the Effective Date to terminate this Contract by written notice to Seller resulting from Xxxxx's objection to any matter shown in an inspection report or Phase I environmental assessment, which materially affects the Property or Buyer's use of the Property. If Xxxxx does not terminate this Contract hereunder, then Xxxxx is deemed to have waived this inspection contingency and any right to object to the condition of the Property or any improvements located thereon. Seller shall have no obligation whatsoever to cure any matter to which the Buyer objects relating to the condition of the Property or any improvements located thereon.

INSPECTION CONTINGENCY. Broker(s) recommend that Buyer conduct independent private inspection(s) of property at Buyer’s expense. Due diligence may include, but is not limited to, any inspection(s) or research deemed necessary by Buyer, including; structural integrity, condition of mechanical systems, environmental status, health or safety conditions, surveys or infestation. To ensure intended use of premises it is recommended that Buyer research: square footage; building and use restrictions; easements, ordinances; regulations; school district, and/or property tax status. If Buyer DOES NOT notify Seller, in writing, within _ __ _ calendar days from date of final acceptance of Agreement that Buyer is dissatisfied with results of due diligence, Agreement shall be binding without regard to said inspection(s). If Buyer notifies Seller, in writing and within specified time, that, in Buyer’s sole judgment, Buyer is dissatisfied with results of due diligence, Buyer shall do one, or a combination, of the following within the contingency period stated above.

INSPECTION CONTINGENCY. The agreement provides that the purchase is contingent upon the buyer’s inspection. The buyer can request the seller fix or repair any unsatisfactory conditions. You can choose whether or not to include a date by which the buyer and seller must agree on repairs. Step 11 – Write Down Title Insurance Details 17.

INSPECTION CONTINGENCY. (i) Buyer shall, during the period ("Inspection Period") from the date of this Agreement to the date occurring forty-five (45) days after the date of this Agreement, have the opportunity to examine the Property, the Ground Leases, the Tenant Leases, the Policy, the Permitted Encumbrances, any items to be delivered by Seller to Buyer, and to conduct such other inspections of the Property as Buyer, in its discretion, may elect.

INSPECTION CONTINGENCY. Buyer has ten (10) business days from acceptance of this offer to conduct an inspection. Buyer may rescind this offer for any reason whatsoever within that ten

INSPECTION CONTINGENCY. This Purchase Contract is contingent upon Buyer's approval of the condition of the Property. Buyer shall have the right, at Buyer's expense, to select licensed contractors and/or other qualified professionals to inspect and investigate the Property, including but not limited to, the foundation, roof, heating, electrical, plumbing, air conditioning, pool, spa and hot tub, the presence of any health hazards (including, but not limited to, asbestos, radon gas, formaldehyde and other toxic substances), soils and geological conditions, boundary lines, setbacks, compliance with zoning ordinances, building codes, and any other factor that may affect the value or desirability of the Property. No inspections may be made by any building department inspector or government employee without the prior written consent of Seller.